Transform Your SaaS Onboarding with a CTA Makeover

3 min readJan 11, 2024


The sorry state of CTA’s Copy today ! 📣 Saas founders, take notice !

Transform Your SaaS Onboarding with a CTA Makeover

👉If you are a household brand you can get away with a canned CTA.

👉If you are already sold before coming to a product landing page you can still get away with a canned CTA.


Others will find it hard.

CTAs are a single most important action after Headlines. It’s a prompt
that guides users towards what you promised.

Problem with canned CTA Copy
⚠️They don’t hint the value of taking action
⚠️ They are not tied to the goals we want to reach
⚠️ They don’t promise a change
⚠️ They look too mechanical
⚠️ They don’t have a voice

An Ideal approach should be to shift the mindset from the

“Amplify the Action to proceed”


😎“Amplifying the Value of proceeding”

Let’s understand this with an example:

Imagine you’re at a restaurant. You’re famished and already decided you want pizza. The waiter just points at the menu and says, “Order now!” Sure, you’ll probably order, but are you excited? Not really.

That’s kind of like using a generic “Call to Action” (CTA) on your website. It tells people to do something, but doesn’t make them want to do it.

Here’s why those bland CTAs don’t work:

  • They’re like vague menu pointers: “Start Free Trial” doesn’t say what amazing stuff hides in that trial.
  • They don’t know your craving: Generic CTAs don’t care why you’re on the website (learning, buying,fixing stuff?).
  • No taste of transformation: They never say how your life will be better by clicking.
  • Sound like robots: “Subscribe Now” is like talking to a machine, not a friendly restaurant waiter.
  • No personality or spice: They don’t make you feel connected to the restaurant (or your product).

Instead, imagine the waiter says, “Dive into cheesy, melty goodness — Order your Ultimate Pepperoni Pizza today!”

Now, that’s exciting! It tells you exactly what you’ll get (cheesy heaven!), how you’ll get it (one click away!), and why you should (ultimate pepperoniness!). It feels personal and delicious, like the waiter just cooked it special for you.

That’s the power of a Value-First CTA. It focuses on the benefit you get by taking action, not just the action itself. It speaks to your desires and makes you feel good about clicking that button.

So, ditch the boring CTAs and cook up ones that sizzle with the smell of value! You’ll see your website orders (or sign-ups, downloads, whatever!) rise like a perfectly baked pizza.

Remember, in the restaurant (or website) world, it’s not about shouting orders, it’s about serving up delicious outcomes. Happy feasting!

Wanna a learn UX of Onboarding? Let’s connect! Please mention “Learner” in your connect request.

Find me on LinkedIn: ➡️➡️

I offer comprehensive UI/UX onboarding audits and consultations, tailored specifically for product managers, Startups, and Product designers in Europe and the US.

