Illustrations are Inclusive. Learn from Simplifed!

Jan 11, 2024



Well Done SimpliFed Loved the way you tackled inclusive design ! 🙌🎉

Illustrating mothers of different ethnicities, body types, abilities, and feeding choices sends a powerful message of inclusivity and allows mothers to see themselves and their experiences reflected in the brand.

Illustrations effectively capture the tenderness and joy of breastfeeding, the bond between mother and child.

This fosters connection and trust with Simplifed, making them feel supported and understood.


Nice treatment of CTA’s which are really actionable and contextual.

User onboarding starts at the landing page!

hashtag#uxaudit hashtag#startup hashtag#accessibledesign hashtag#inclusivedesign hashtag#healthcare hashtag#berlinstartups

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I offer comprehensive UI/UX onboarding audits and consultations, tailored specifically for product managers, Startups, and Product designers in Europe and the US.

